Saturday, October 31, 2009

just an idea!

so i was thinking about documentaries that would apply for our project. one that came to mind was, "This Film is not yet Rated." here is a brief description.

Kirby Dick's provocative documentary investigates the secretive and inconsistent process by which the Motion Picture Association of America rates films, revealing the organization's underhanded efforts to control culture. Dick questions whether certain studios get preferential treatment and exposes the discrepancies in how the MPAA views sex and violence. Interviewees include John WatersDarren AronofskyMaria BelloAtom Egoyan and more.

If anyone wants to watch this and see if and how it talks about the represenation of women at all let me know. 


Friday, October 30, 2009

Summary of our Project

Controversial Question: How has the representation of women changed from the 1950's to present time?

The image of women has changed drastically in the last 50 years through the many different women's rights movements. In the 50's women were seen as pure and any objections to this image such as the Barbie Doll were not taken lightly. The 70's were full of women's rights movements and the limit was pushed with the emergence of feminist leaders. Today we see women as represented fairly equal to men, although we know this "equal" is a fine line. We are going to research these different time periods and the specific changes studying images, trends, and popular culture.

Nichole and Jackie will be researching different forms of popular media. Five popular magazines, five popular sitcoms, and five popular movies from the 50's, 70's, and 2000's will be analyzed to look at the portrayal of women in each time period. They will pay close attention to attire, role in the family structure, and role in the work place

Jessica and Krystal will be looking at the historical background of events that took place to influence the representation of american women. They will research the different movements that have impacted the image of women, such as the women's liberation movement. They'll also show how censorship has impacted the changes in representation of women throughout time.

I'll be in charge of getting perspective from the public. This includes handing out surveys, doing interviews and get reactions from people about how they think women are represented. I'll be sending out emails and posts of images of women and charting their reactions.

Chris will be in charge of our literature review and will also help me analyze data from the surveys and interviews.

Overall we cant wait to see the results of how this topic really pans out!

-Group 8

Friday, October 2, 2009

First Post!

Hey guys!

Okay so I'm getting a little excited over this blog...maybe too excited haha. I have my own blog but sadly all I've done so far is create and always forget to actually POST on it. Now that we HAVE to post on this for our project, I feel like I'll be motivated to post more on my own blog!

Anyway I hope you guys like the blog I made =) I think its pretty cute if I say so myself haha. I'm just having fun editing all these features and such so our page can look cool. Were gonna have the BEST group blog of them all!!!

Please feel free to edit/change anything you'd like. I dont want anyone to feel like I'm taking over or anything, I just feel like in a group project someone has to take the first step so everyone can get through the door, so I took the initiative!

Lets start posting up this blog like crazy! We need to keep our ideas flowing!
