Tuesday, November 24, 2009

So I wanted to clarify the 80's post I posted. I know that our topic is focusing on the representation of women and I know after that post, people probably think that it seems more like a men's representation. However, it isn't. It isn't because the way women are represented are also through men. Having a boyfriend, fiancee, or husband changes the way a woman is looked at, and the way the magazines represented the men, change the way women think about men. The pressures of society, portrayed through the media, convey what kind of men women should be with because whatever image is plastered on the cover, is what is considered an ideal man. The man a woman is with changes her representation in multiple ways, specifically, status. So, the media publishing the ideal man changes the way women are represented in society by peers looking at a woman by the man she is with, and if he is considered ideal or good enough. If the woman's significant other is not considered ideal, then the way she is represented in society changes. From the 80's, it was the way he dressed and his face, which was classy, contrasted to current images, which is the body. Hope that clears it up, if there was any confusion.

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